My Tree!

Maple Tree: Woodstock, NH
The tree that I will be observing over the semester is the maple tree to the left side of the river. This is a picture of the Pemi River. This river runs through the backyard in my hometown in Woodstock, New Hampshire. This is one of my favorite trees to look at, especially during the autumn season. Looking at the vibrant red and orange leaves makes me the happiest guy in the world! Before the season started to change, the tree had no leaves on it. It just has sticks and twigs coming off of the tree. As days and weeks went on, red leaves began to appear on the ends of the branches. From that moment on, I knew that this tree was going to grow bright and beautiful leaves. I was right. Every year this same tree shows off its natural beauty. Throughout the autumn season, many of its leaves gently fall to the ground, making me clean up after them. You can see many of these trees all over New England. Except this specific tree has always been there for me, especially when I need to lean on it to take in the gorgeous view of the river. When it gets closer to the winter season, I always grab at least one of its leaves's to keep for my collection. It is really amazing looking at how the color may change each year, that just puts a smile on my face. This tree may be far away from Keene to observe but it will always a piece of my heart. 


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